


the train
he sat on the train
moving between cities
that all looked the same
next to him was a man in spectacles 
with a five o’clock shadow 
appearing long in the setting sun 
reading a plotting poison pen letter
as they passed over the miles
of neatly trimmed hedges
and buttoned-down backyards
lined with the well tended rose
and he wondered how long
it would take to reach the farm
and if elizabeth
was a good name for a cow
my poem for may play, at tspoetry

13 thoughts on “12

    1. nancy Post author

      i think i used most of the words from the may play poem that i was to use, but, it is amazing to me how all of the poems turn out so different from one another.

      1. nancy Post author

        it comes out a little different when i start different. meaning i started with words coming from another source rather than from in me. also, i think that while searching for poem seeds to share, i think some may be showing up in my own garden.


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