bad old woman blues

i’m having a hard time with dying
this growing old
this decay of body and mind
my soul aches for a consuming love
a cool breath of spring
warm breeze of summer on my skin
easy laughter
i want to be in love
to believe with someone
to be beautiful in someone’s eyes
and i know better
i know
my heart is set on breaking
and the best that i can do
is let it break

sometimes the truth needs to be shared
even if it makes you feel really ugly and spoiled and pitiful.

12 thoughts on “bad old woman blues

  1. Megan Willome

    I’m fascinated by the photo of the truck with your poem. Also, I like the idea of letting it break.

  2. lschontos

    This is so touching Nance. It made me think of my sweet Mom and some of the things she says these days. Love Glynn’s poem too.

    1. davis

      i looked it up, as i have not seen any of Libba Gray’s books before. and yes, i see what you mean. thanks for bringing it to my attention. it’s a wonderful story.


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