pacific evening











pacific (adj.) 1540s, “tending to make peace,” from M.Fr. pacifique, from L. pacificus “peaceful”
peace-making,” from pax (gen. pacis) “peace” + root of facere “to make.”
Meaning “peaceful, calm” is first recorded 1630s.
Pacifical is from mid-15c. Related: Pacifically.

Pacific Ocean ✜ 1660, from M.L. Pacificum, neut. of L. pacificus; so called c.1500 by Magellan
when he sailed into it and found it calmer than the stormy Atlantic.


Friday Photo . by N Davis Rosback . taken August 8, 2012



14 thoughts on “pacific evening

  1. Ted M. Gossard

    Beautiful. And isn’t the Pacific Ocean the largest ocean in the world? Reminds me of our Lake Michigan which of course doesn’t compare, and isn’t even the largest of the great lakes, Lake Superior taking that distinction hands down. But still Lake Michigan is a large body of water, with plenty of water in it. There’s just something about its tides, I would guess even more so with the Pacific, that is so restful for me when I go there.

  2. Beth

    An incredible photo–would bring instant calm whenever you looked at it–at least I think it would.
    I never knew the Pacific Ocean’s name origin—fascinating. I learned something even before my 2nd cup of morning coffee! He He!

  3. Megan Willome

    I saw that thing about Magellan this morning on the Writer’s Almanac!

    I think I could look at that photo all day.

    1. davis

      Since you mentioned it, i went over to read about Magellan at W.A. and i had no idea that this was the day that he set sail. Wow! Very cool.


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